Culhane’s 1st Month!

Today is Colt’s 1 month birthday! Happy 1 month my love!1 month

I think our weekly updates are going to transition into monthly ones, so here is my summary of the first month.

Colt Developments: Sweet boy, you have changed and grown so much this first month!

When we first met you, you still needed a little help learning how to breathe and you would hardly open your eyes. Now you are spending lots of time each day alert and awake, following people and objects. You aren’t QUITE smiling just yet, but you give lots of little smiles and smirks that melt your mom and dad’s hearts just the same.

You have definitely grown, but I’m not sure by how much. You were born at 6lbs 12 oz and got down to 6lbs 2 oz. I think you’re around 9lbs 5 oz but we’ll get an official weigh-in on Friday with the pediatrician. You developed a little baby acne last week – it looks better this week but it’s still going strong. It’s totally normal though and just means that your pores are opening up!

You are still so sweet and laid back. You don’t cry much and when you do, it’s generally pretty easy to comfort you. You enjoy walks in the park, rides in the car, being held, baths, eating and sleeping. You also really like being sung to and bounced.

You smell like heaven and are so soft to snuggle and kiss. I just want to breathe you in.

Eating: You are a great little eater! Right now you are eating 5-6 times per day — every 3-4 hours during the day and every 4-7 hours at night (from the start of one feed to the start of the next). You’re great both with me and the bottle. Your only issue is that you are getting a little feisty in the evenings and making feedings a little tricky, but we get through it! I love how God created me to take care of you and make food for you, and feeding you is such precious, sacred time for me to share with you.

Sleep: Your are an all-star sleeper! You have been great at sleeping in your crib from day 1, which is great because in our little apartment we don’t really have any other options! You sleep longer stretches at night and takes naps throughout the day in between feedings.

This was the first week that we didn’t have someone (your dad or Gigi) sleeping in your room on “night-duty” to bring you to me for night feedings and to do night diaper changes, etc. The first night I slept less than 3 hours because I was up with you and constantly watching you on the monitor, running into your room every so often. Last night was better (I got 5 1/2 hours of sleep) but I think I might need to start napping when you nap during the day!

Schedule: We aren’t on an official schedule yet, although we have been pretty consistent with our routine of feed & change – awake time – sleep time – repeat. The cycle is usually 4 hours but fluctuates a bit from day-to-day. Your dad likes to try to maximize his time with you though, so we are starting to try for a more consistent wake-up time so that he can spend some time with you each morning before he heads off to work.

Mom: It’s amazing how much your body can change in a month! During the first week I felt like I was experiencing a very slow recovery, but by this point I basically feel back to normal. I am still following orders not to lift heavy objects and I haven’t exercised (other than going for walks), but in a couple of weeks I should be able to do that too.

Motherhood has been the most amazing experience of my life. I don’t want to say that it hasn’t been difficult, because of course it has been, but I would say that I don’t think it’s been any harder than I would have thought. And mostly it’s just incredible!

One of the most fun parts of being a mom has been seeing your dad be a dad! Colt, your dad is so crazy about you. I have heard him slip (more than once) and say that you’re the love of his life! (Although don’t get any ideas – that position belongs to me!) During those first 10 days before my mom arrived and when I was having a really hard time doing anything, your dad took care of you in every way possible with the exception of feeding you. He slept beside your bed, dressed you, changed all of your diapers, burped you, snuggled with you and loved on you like crazy. I think he really bonded with you during that time, and ever since he returned to work he just soaks up every possible second he can get with you when he’s home. I send him pictures and videos of you all day, and he even insisted we get a camera that will allow him to check on you during the day from his office (or wherever). You look a lot like your dad and I hope that your character and heart take after him too. He is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of guy, and you and I are so lucky to have him in our lives.

Little love, I am so madly in love with you. All day I can’t stop staring at you, marveling at the miracle you are. It feels like a weighty obligation to have a boy – to raise a man – and I pray that you will grow to be brave and kind with a heart that beats for the Lord. I pray that God would draw you to Himself quickly and fiercely, and that you would love others as an outpouring of your relationship with Christ. I pray that your life is long, full and fulfilling, filled with love, adventure and laughter. I pray that you have big dreams that come true. You have made mine come true.

Colt: Week 4

Week 4: July 29 – August 4

41 Weeks! (4 Weeks Old -- Aug. 4, 2013)

41 Weeks! (Colt at 4 weeks old — Aug. 4, 2013)

Colt Medical: Sweet boy is still happy, healthy and doing great, praise the Lord!


This week however, he did develop some baby acne on his face – poor little guy! He also had a super stuffy nose the other day so we used our awesome snot sucker (thanks Sara!!) and it cleared everything out! I’m excited to visit the pediatrician on Friday to weigh him again, but he seems to be growing really well. Colt is becoming more alert with longer awake-times, and this past week we started doing some tummy-time which he loves! He’s lifting and turning his head and loves looking at his surroundings.IMG_2637

Feeding: Colt is still a great feeder, eating every 3-4 hours during the day and every 4-7 hours at night. Feeding continues to be some of my favorite time with him – he makes such funny little sounds and faces that just melt my heart!

I pumped for the first time on Wednesday because I was curious to test it out and I wanted to introduce the bottle so that we would know we could have that as an option. Pumping felt really funny but it was super easy and worked great (thanks to Lori for my amazing pump!!), and Colt took the bottle very easily.IMG_2689

I was glad that I had figured it out because on Friday Colt seemed to have a smaller appetite and I ended up in a lot of pain, but pumping (+ hot compresses) was really helpful. Thankfully everything seemed better by Saturday, but Saturday night I pumped so that Michael could feed Colt for the first time too!image

Sleep: This week I started feeding on-demand during the night to let Colt sleep for longer stretches, and I think we have all been enjoying the extra rest. At night he will usually sleep somewhere between 4-7 hours at a time which has meant that I’ve only had to wake up once or twice to feed at night, and getting those longer stretches of sleep has been key.IMG_2708 Colt continues to be a great sleeper and really hasn’t had any fussiness this week. We generally lay him in his crib while he is still awake and let him fall asleep on his own. It’s so funny to watch him on the monitor because he will just lay there in the dark, totally silent with his eyes wide open until he gets sleepy.IMG_2598

Colt’s Personality: Colt continues to be super chill and incredibly awesome.IMG_2650 The “witching hour” / fussiness that we were seeing glimpses of in week 3 never really seemed to come to fruition (so far!). He will definitely let out a yelp or cry if he’s upset, but he’s quick and easy to comfort which keeps our life pretty easy. He is SO precious and we just can’t get enough of him!!IMG_2776 image

Mama Updates: I’m still feeling great and absolutely loving being a mom. It is so much fun and so fulfilling – I never could have imagined how amazing it would be.IMG_2740

Activities: Colt had lots of fun this week! He loves bathing, strolling through the park, the mall and our neighborhood, but here are some highlights from the week:

Colt, my mom and I visited Parque Ibirapuera and walked around with Brett and Jana. Although the walk through the park was a total success, getting there proved to be quite the scene — first I set off my car’s alarm and we spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to fold our stroller, then we drove around the park forever trying to find a good place to park. After finally parking, we spent 5 minutes trying to unfold the stroller and then another 15 trying to get the carseat out of the car! Thankfully I have patient friends.P1030459

We also visited Michael at his office this week! It was so great introducing Colt to all of Michael’s coworkers as they have been so sweet and excited for us during this time.P1030463

Stand up desk and a baby. Nbd.IMG_2756Michael’s office building:P1030469After our visit, we went across the street for lunch, and then my mom and I strolled around the mall (Shopping Iguatemi) for a bit, and stopped by Sharon Harper’s favorite store – Gloria Coelho.IMG_2764

Friday night we went out to dinner in our neighborhood at Rouge.P1030471P1030475

After grits and eggs on Saturday morning, we all walked down the block to our weekly feira (or street market) to pick up some fresh fruits and veggies for the week.IMG_2720

And I wore our baby carrier for the first time!IMG_2716

Later that afternoon, for a little change of scenery, we drove about an hour to a little artisan town, Embu das Artes. We strolled around looking at lots of crafts and wood furniture, and stopped to enjoy some ice cold chopps, yummy Brazilian appetizers and great feijoada.

Then yesterday we celebrated Colt’s 4 week birthday with a trip to our park – Parque do Povo – with the Hudson fam!IMG_2730

Visitors: During week 4 Colt visited with my mama (Gigi!), Uncle Joe Harper, Brett Coppens, Jana Pearl, Trent, Paige & Mailey Jane Hudson, Michael’s whole office and Ana Paula Pinho.IMG_2681IMG_2674

Thoughts: It has been so incredibly special and fun having my mom here over the past 2 1/2 weeks, and I am SO sad that she had to leave today. I have loved sharing this special time in my life with her, I have loved watching her get to know and fall head over heels for our precious boy, and I have been SO thankful for all of her help. She has cared so well for my family and me and I honestly can’t imagine having done it without her! My sweet mama has made us so many delicious meals, kept our apartment looking great, stayed up late each night with Colt and gotten up in the middle of the night to bring him to me for feedings, she has changed a million diapers and generally taken care of all of us. And more than anything, she has helped give me the confidence to know that I can do it as a new mom — after all, I have the best possible example.P1030452

Gigi – thank you for this amazing visit and for all you’ve done for us! We miss you already and can’t wait to have you back (with Dad) in November!!DSC_0715