Aunt Lise

On Culhane’s 4 month birthday he received a MAJOR gift – his Aunt Lise came to visit! Lise lives in Phoenix so she hadn’t gotten to meet Colt yet, and although she will be seeing him again over New Years, she just couldn’t wait that long. Lise is an amazing, talented and BUSY doctor, so she didn’t have long to visit, but she still made the trip to be with us Thursday morning through Sunday evening. We were so honored that she would go through all of the time, energy, etc. to come see us and our sweet boy, so we tried to pack in a combination of São Paulo fun + lots of Culhane snuggle time.

Lise arrived Thursday morning and came directly over to meet her nephew.IMG_4799 Next, we met up with Michael for lunch at one of our favorite neighborhood spots. Then for dinner Thursday night, Joe hosted everyone at his apartment for a beautiful meal, complete with a fancy menu! IMG_3451IMG_3452IMG_3464IMG_3458 On Friday morning Lise came over for lots of good, quality Culhane time. IMG_3471IMG_4806 After lots of morning smiles, we headed to the fancy mall in our neighborhood to meet Michael and Joe for lunch. IMG_4809IMG_4810After lunch we walked around the park & Culhane showed off his sweet new shades. IMG_3478Next we cooled off in the apartment and played!DSC_0135DSC_0142DSC_0147 Friday night we headed to our favorite sushi spot, Nagayama, and it was amazing! IMG_3485IMG_4814On Saturday Lise came over for some more quality Culhane time, and then we drove to Bar da Dona Onça in the Centro for a great Brazilian lunch. IMG_3505DSC_0158DSC_0179DSC_0165DSC_0159Saturday night we all took it easy and just headed down the block to dinner at our favorite Italian spot, Sallvattore. IMG_4815On Sunday we took Lise to mass at the beautiful Nossa Senhora cathedral and then spent the rest of the afternoon at the park with friends. It was perfect out! DSC_0191DSC_0199DSC_0216Lise, thank you so much for coming to visit! We had a blast with you and can’t wait to hang out together again next month!

Culhane’s 4th Month!

Happy day Sweet Love! You’re 4 months old!


Colt developments: What a joy it is to watch you grow.

The greatest development this month was hearing your laugh for the first time! You laughed for your dad and me the other night and we went berserk. You’ve only done it that once, but you give funny hiccup-type sounds all the time when you want to laugh. We are eagerly awaiting this becoming a more regular thing.

Baby boy, you have also started sitting unattended this month! OK so “sitting” and “unattended” may be a bit of an overstatement but you can stay upright on your own if you lean forward and keep yourself propped up with with your hands on the floor in front of you (photos in the monthly photo-dump coming). At least it’s a step in the right direction.

You have the sweetest little personality and make your dad and I laugh and smile all day long. You “talk” and coo constantly, but especially when you’re very happy or starting to get upset. You love to practice standing or sitting up like a big boy in your bumbo, and you also started to enjoy your Johnny Jump-Up and your toys!

Health: You are a healthy, growing little guy! At your appointment today you weighed in at 14 lbs 14 oz and were over 25″ long. Your hair is starting to fall out more but don’t worry, you’re still a very handsome little man. Your skin is so smooth, soft, snuggly and kissable. I wonder if there has ever been a baby kissed as much as you.

Eating: Still all Mama’s milk. We are currently feeding 5 times/day and lately (within the last week) you will be perfect for 4 of those feeds but randomly go crazy during the last one (sometimes half-way through) and we have to end up feeding you with a bottle. If you do this during the day I usually just let it go, but at night when I know that it will be 12 hours before I feed you again, I like to be sure you get a good feed in, so we have done a few bottles lately. It wouldn’t bother me so much except that it means I have to pump before going to bed because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to wait 12 hours to feed you again either!

You usually eat for about 6 minutes on each side and I think you get 4-5 oz per feeding, but at night you seem to eat more (6-7 oz).

Sleeping: We have made major progress in the sleep department this past month Sweet Pea! Generally you are sleeping from 10:00pm-8:00am every night which makes Mom & Dad verrrrrry happy.

We don’t have it totally figured out though — normally we put you down between 9:45 and 10pm and about 50% of the time you will just fall asleep and stay asleep but the other 50% of the time you will fall asleep only to wake up 20-30 minutes later crying. When this happens it can be anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes before you go to sleep again, and you always need our help and your paci. One night we tried to let you figure it out on your own and “cry-it-out” and you cried for an hour! You struggled so much that you moved yourself from one end of the crib to the other. After an hour you still weren’t asleep and I was wanting to throw myself out of a window so I finally went in and held you and gave you your paci and you went to sleep immediately. After that I decided that you are not a cry-yourself-to-sleep-er (at least not yet) so we just help you out when you need it. It takes very little time and effort on our part, so I don’t think it’s worth trying to change at this point.

Thankfully you never wake up in the middle of the night. About once a week you will wake up around 6am but generally you just cry a little for 10 minutes and fall back asleep until 8am. I watch you on the monitor but don’t get out of bed for those.

Naps are a little less like clock-work. You nap in between each feed and I can always tell when you’re getting tired (usually about an hour and a half after you last woke up to eat), but you nap for different amounts of time and in different places each time. You nap like a champ in your stroller (seriously that thing is magic) and I was using it even in the apartment, but lately I’ve tried to stick with the crib in the hopes that it will help with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep at night… Anyway, some days you seem to nap for long periods of time in between each feeding and some days it’s more like drifting for 15 minutes, but I mostly follow your lead. When you’re acting tired and fussy, I put you down and try to help you sleep, but I don’t worry about it too much.

Schedule: We start the day between 8:00 and 8:30am and coming to get you from your crib for the first feed is such a treat! Little One, you’re so sweet and smily during this time that sometimes your dad and I will come get you together. You’re just such a little treasure! Anyway, you eat, get changed, and then we play for another hour or so before going down for a nap. Then you generally feed again around 11:30am, 2:30pm, 5:45pm and we always do your last feed at 8:30pm. We hang out with you for a little while and then put you down by 10:00pm.

I’m really enjoying this schedule and it’s been working well for us for the past couple of weeks. It allows for you (and me!) to get good rest at night but still gives your dad good time with you as well which is huge in my opinion. That being said, your dad and I value our social lives 🙂 so we aren’t afraid get you off-schedule a little bit if it means us getting to go on a date or out with friends. I think we have a good balance of a pretty regular routine and some flexibility.

Mama: What a joy it is to be your mom. Earlier in the month my mama-hormones were really kicking in and I would sometimes tear-up just from looking at you. Then I decided to just really torture myself so I got out the book “Love You Forever” and tried reading it to you. I say “tried” because I couldn’t finish before I was aggressively sobbing! You were staring at me like I was a little crazy, but I just couldn’t help it!

I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.

Thoughts: Sweet love, I cannot tell you how fun it is getting to know you. I love learning your little details – the way you smile after you sneeze, how you smell after a bath, the beautiful colors in your eyes… all of the small things that are really the big things.

There are a few things I try to tell you every day Culhane. I tell you that you are good, brave and kind. Strong, smart and important. Loved, cherished and treasured. I tell you that we are so happy to have you in this family. I tell you that you are loved by God and have a rescuer in His Son, Jesus.

It is so important to me that you know these things and have a strong, solid sense of self. It is important to me that you know that you were created by a good, personal and loving God, created detail by detail, in His image, to reflect His glory. It is important that you know that every person on earth was also created in His image and is valuable, worthy of love and deserving respect. I pray that you will grow to be a man who knows who he is in the truest sense, and as a result, sees others as precious too. I pray that you will assign dignity to all human life and that you will fight for those in need. I pray that your dad and I are and will model these truths for you.DSC_0102DSC_0095DSC_0087DSC_0121We love you so much Little Bit!

Halloween (#2)

Saturday night was the “big-kids” Halloween party and it was honestly one of the most fun nights that I’ve had in São Paulo. The night was full of delicious food, amazing drinks, well-planned games, and the main event…the lip sync competition! Everyone brought their A-game and we realized once again how lucky we are to have this incredible group of friends. Although there is no way to capture the fun of the night, here are some favorite moments….enjoy!

We went as a leopard, panda and a FOX!

We went as a leopard, panda and a cute, chubby little FOX!

Brittany & Leo, comin in hot!

Brittany & Leo, comin in hot as bling!

B-Rak. Just awesome.

B-Rak. Just awesome.

Alex & Jana as...each other!

Alex & Jana as…each other!

Suzanna & Jeff as Taylor Swift & a throw-back hottie

Suzanna & Jeff as Taylor Swift & a throw-back hottie

Michael and Mailey hanging out.

Michael and Mailey hanging out.

Colby & Jana hanging with sweet Culhane.

Colby & Jana hanging with sweet Culhane.

After arriving and socializing on Jeff & Suzanna’s amazing rooftop deck, the party moved indoors for a Billboard Top 40 game. We were split into 4 teams (1995, 1997, 1998 and 2000) where we got to hear 30 seconds of a top-10 song from our year and we had to guess the artist and name of the song. There was also a little intermittent flip-cup involved for bonus points. Michael and I were both on team Y2K and I think we came in second to team 1995.

After the games came the main event…the lip sync competition! The hosts & party planners — Team Glitter — kicked off the night with “Call Me Maybe.”DSC_0903

We started on the first floor but after the first couple performances, we may have gotten a few calls from the neighbors so we moved back upstairs for the remainder of the night.

Leo going gangsta

Leo going gangsta

Team Hudson leaving it all out on the stage.

Team Hudson leaving it all out on the stage.

Mailey loves performing

Mailey loves performing.

Opposites attract.

Opposites attract.

I can't even comment on this one...

I can’t even comment on this one…

Now, since the moment that the idea for this party was born, Michael and I had been trying to think of what song we would perform. We took the competition seriously and we wanted to win. We contemplated several options but ultimately our inspiration came from Culhane. We had already ordered him an adorable fox costume and then it hit Michael, we should obviously be doing, “What does the fox say?” We choreographed a routine to roughly match the music video and had regular evening rehearsals — Culhane loved watching us practice! We were a little thrown off when I lost Culhane’s original fox costume that we ordered (I had it in the bottom of my stroller and it fell out on a walk), but luckily our friend Bryan was in the states and we were able to overnight a new outfit for him to bring back.

Getting ready to perform - handing out animal masks to the crowd.

Getting ready to perform – handing out animal masks to the crowd.

yak yak yak yak yak yak yak

Yak yak yak yak yak yakey yak

Michael and I were not messing around. And Culhane was so excited he fell asleep!

Michael and I were not messing around. And Culhane was so excited he fell asleep!

After everyone performed, we had a “vote” to determine who gave the best performance of the night and I am proud to say that we WON!!

Michael accepting our trophy.

Michael accepting our trophy.

The crowd called for an acceptance speech and Michael obliged by saying that the only way to truly commemorate the moment was with an encore performance! Who calls for their own encore?!?! I was not in favor of doing it again but by that point we were sort of committed so, back to the stage we went.

Encore performance with our little fox

Encore performance with our little fox holding our trophy.

We may have kept our little ones up a tiny bit past their bed-time but it was totally worth it and they had a great time too.

Mailey Jane - eyes wide open right up until the last moment.

Mailey Jane – eyes wide open right up until the last moment.

Our little fox - all tuckered out.

Our little fox – the champion.  All tuckered out.

Big thanks to Team Glitter — Jeff, Suzanna, Colby & Hayden — for all of the hard work, planning and hosting that went into the event. It truly could not have been better.

Halloween (#1)

Culhane is going to a big-kid Halloween party tonight and will have a new outfit for the event, however on Thursday Culhane attended his first ever Halloween party, just for babies! I accidentally lost the costume that we had for him so we had to improvise a little and he ended up going as a Republican. RepColt

Here in São Paulo, there are 7 babies within 7 weeks of each other. Out of the 7 there is only 1 girl (Mailey Jane!) and Culhane is the youngest. CowgirlstigersuperparkerelvisfoodbabesallColt 2Colt 1Thanks to Lesley for hosting and Jana for the awesome photos!