Back in Brazil!

After a few weeks in the US visiting family, it was nice to return to São Paulo. Although we are enduring the hottest summer in 61 years without AC (although we do have portable units in the bedrooms which allow us to sleep at night!), it has been really fun being back home. Here are a few pictures of some of what we’ve been up to lately!

VIsiting the awesome Little Prince exhibit at our mall:IMG_4082 IMG_5565

Harper family trips to the park:IMG_5346 Screen Shot 2014-02-11 at 11.06.54 AM IMG_5436 IMG_5405 IMG_5426 IMG_5453 IMG_5598

Fun with friends:IMG_5592 photo 3 IMG_5653

Food:IMG_5622 IMG_5621 IMG_5620 IMG_5364

Sweet baby Colt!IMG_5667IMG_5539 IMG_5508 IMG_5462 IMG_5513IMG_5458 IMG_5443 IMG_5375IMG_5548 IMG_5611 IMG_5675 IMG_5673So much to be thankful for!

**Up Next: Beach Weekend!

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